7月よりアメリカ西海岸の各都市で順次展覧中の“The Great West Coast Migration”にあわせて作った作品です。
上記写真は皮切りとなったシアトルのRoq La Rue Galleryでの展示内容。
San Francisco – July 27 – 28:
Spoke Art (http://spoke-art.com) is San Francisco’s newest art gallery and publishing house. Located in San Francisco’s dynamic Lower Nob Hill neighborhood, Spoke Art specializes in emerging new contemporary artists with a firm emphasis on figurative and illustrative works.
Los Angeles – August 2 – 4:
LeBasse Projects (http://www.lebasseprojects.com) is focused on the development of a carefully selected roster of international emerging artists. Since opening its doors in the Culver City Art District in 2009, LeBasse Projects has presented a program that fosters the growth of its artists by allowing them the freedom to create across a range of mediums.
Costa Mesa – August 10 – 12:
The ARTery (http://thelab.com/shops/the-artery) is a series of steel shipping containers transformed into a walkthrough community art exhibition space. The ARTery is dedicated to supporting emerging artists through their exhibitions and installations.
San Diego – August 18 – 19:
Space 4 Art (http://www.sdspace4art.org) aims to establish permanent, affordable working, living and support facilities for artists in San Diego with maximum community involvement. With goals to grow their idea through the eventual acquisition and building of a permanent facility. As well as to dramatically increase the number of work/live units available, thereby attracting more emerging artists to San Diego.
Stop by if your in town…