シドニーでのグループショー用、とか、どこかアメリカ東海岸のグループショー用、とか。前以上に誰に見せるでもなく、SNSから徐々に身も心も離し、完全一方通行なブログに回帰しようとしてるところで、マイメンCUPCOによる前もやったART WANKというちょうど良いタイトルのグループショー用に、以前シャークフィンを作った際の残骸のdrippyな樹脂がそれとなくspermyだったのもちょうど良いなと塗り直し。実際何をやっててもwankはwankだけれど、ひさしぶりに何も意識しないでただ楽しむだけの行為はここ最近の心境にとてもしっくり来る作業でした。
Tag Archives: group show
PangeaSeed | Great West Coast Migration on Vimeo
PangeaSeed | Great West Coast Migration
For this piece we teamed up with our friends at PangeaSeed and The Arbor Collective to produce a short documentary on “The Great West Coast Migration” touring art show and film festival to benefit sharks and oceans.
PangeaSeed is an international organization who collaborates with members of the art, science, and environmental activist communities. PangeaSeed is dedicated to raising public awareness and education surrounding the conservation and preservation of sharks and other marine species in peril.DIRECTOR: Joel Woodman
CINEMATOGRAPHY: Joel Woodman & Sam Ebat
EDITOR: Joel Woodman
ANIMATION: Michael Beynart
MUSIC: Sweet Tooth Nelson
The Arbor Collective
現在アメリカ西海岸で展覧中の“The Great West Coast Migration”用につくった缶詰をIndyvisualでも販売開始しました。フカヒレ缶のシリーズ第3段目。第1弾となったのは白黒のクラシック仕様、第2弾はダイエットスープ、そして第3弾は麺入りというコンセプトです。(実際の中身はトマト、アメリカで展示してるのはチリビーンズ)
KOOL KID KREYOLA – ME AND MY SHARK FIN from Spencer Keeton Cunningham on Vimeo.
ちなみに“The Great West Coast Migration”のビデオ(タイトなスケジュールでツアーをしながら撮影と編集を同時進行している!)のポートランド・SF編もあわせてご覧下さい。
The Great West Coast Migration – Episode Three from PangeaSeed on Vimeo.
7月よりアメリカ西海岸の各都市で順次展覧中の“The Great West Coast Migration”にあわせて作った作品です。
上記写真は皮切りとなったシアトルのRoq La Rue Galleryでの展示内容。
San Francisco – July 27 – 28:
Spoke Art (http://spoke-art.com) is San Francisco’s newest art gallery and publishing house. Located in San Francisco’s dynamic Lower Nob Hill neighborhood, Spoke Art specializes in emerging new contemporary artists with a firm emphasis on figurative and illustrative works.
Los Angeles – August 2 – 4:
LeBasse Projects (http://www.lebasseprojects.com) is focused on the development of a carefully selected roster of international emerging artists. Since opening its doors in the Culver City Art District in 2009, LeBasse Projects has presented a program that fosters the growth of its artists by allowing them the freedom to create across a range of mediums.
Costa Mesa – August 10 – 12:
The ARTery (http://thelab.com/shops/the-artery) is a series of steel shipping containers transformed into a walkthrough community art exhibition space. The ARTery is dedicated to supporting emerging artists through their exhibitions and installations.
San Diego – August 18 – 19:
Space 4 Art (http://www.sdspace4art.org) aims to establish permanent, affordable working, living and support facilities for artists in San Diego with maximum community involvement. With goals to grow their idea through the eventual acquisition and building of a permanent facility. As well as to dramatically increase the number of work/live units available, thereby attracting more emerging artists to San Diego.
Stop by if your in town…
PangeaSeed Presents: Sink or Swim at SPOKE ART Gallery
7月に代官山のMにて行われたPangeaSeed Presents “Sink or Swim”が今度はサンフランシスコのSPOKEというギャラリーにて行われます。WRECKS x PangeaSeedのTシャツ等も出す予定です。ベイエリアの方は是非足を運んでみて下さい。
PangeaSeed presents Sink or Swim
Date: 23rd – 25th Sep, 2011
Reception party: 23 September 2011
Location: San Francisco, California
Venue: Spoke Art Gallery
Times: Fri 6PM – 10PM
Sat and Sun 12PM – 7PM
Media Contact
Tre’ L. Packard
PangeaSeed Managing Director
Email: info@pangeaseed.com
Web: PangeaSeed.com
Tel: +81 (0)50-7500-6775
Spoke Art Gallery
816 Sutter St.
San Francisco, CA
Web: Spoke-Art.com